This video explains how you might go about Syntropic Agroforestry, Food Forests while making it work for you the whole way through and not go bankrupt whilst doing it!
This video explains how to make Syntropic Farming and Food Forests work for you the whole way through, without going bankrupt!
Syntropic Agroforestry requires good soil cover … If the soil is not covered, something important is missing!
A walk through the system showing the effects of senescence from large trees near the Syntropic farm
The advantages of planting fruit trees as seeds in syntropic agriculture
It is totally possible to be a master and artist with syntropic agriculture. There are no rules, just principles. As long as you increase life by creating and managing the macro organism via species succession using well planned consortia, you can apply that any way that you like. we also have a community based learning platform with built in online courses, consultation reports, Q&A, members discussion and shared projects. Come take a look, the world needs you to do this!
Early challenges are addressed with hybrid methods.
This video delves a little deeper into correct grass management, which will see your system move through species succession faster. For more advanced learning, and a pathway to becoming a pro agroforester
This video covers the global supply shocks and upcoming input shortages and why practices such as Syntropic Agriculture and Holistic Management are the only way out of the bind.
Sometimes animals eat trees we don't expect, we need to let them choose.
Here is an example of what animals do when they have a choice and how this may change your thinking on browsing and silvopasture.
Syntropic farms are a complete ecology when planted and managed correctly, thus being much more potent in their relationship with animals and your needs.
This video describes how we can mistakenly blame plants and animals instead of human decision making. Syntropic farming and Holistic Management offer new solutions
Scott shares some insights into the mistakes that he has made in the early days. He sees a very common problem in start ups with syntropic farming and regenerative agriculture. He also shares how he has remedied this, and how well the systems really work when not forced.
This video examines some of the challenges and advantages of market gardening in Syntropic Farming. I also examine new evolving methods which we have developed to make it work according to the principles of Syntropy
This video goes into detail about why Syntropic and Regenerative Agriculture are a no brainer if we want to prosper
Best tools for making yourself effective in Syntropic Agroforestry. Find out Scott's recommendations.
Another video important to the strategic nature of farming and how we must think of ourselves as traders.
Scott goes further into assessing risks and rewards of farming as we move deeper into structural change. Scott is personally positioning himself to benefit from these changes through strategic planning. Although understanding the broader risks and rewards of farming, it is also essential to understand that how one farms is very crucial, to find out how I choose to do it and avert the risks threatening farming in general, have a look at what I do…
Scott explains a little about the fact that as farmers ,we are amongst many other things, soft commodity speculators, which can be another risk …
Syntropic Agroforestry Podcast with Carbon8.
Interview with Helen McKosker & Kelly Jones about Syntropic Farming.
"Life in Syntropy" is the new short film from Agenda Gotsch made specially to be presented at COP21 - Paris. This film put together some of the most remarkable experiences in Syntropic Agriculture, with brand new images and interviews.